Complete Concussion Management (CCMI) Certified Clinic
What Is A Concussion?
A concussion is a brain injury caused by acceleration or deceleration of the brain within the skull following a significant impact to the head or elsewhere on the body, most commonly occurring during a sporting event. The impact causes a biochemical imbalance within the brain cells, resulting in decreased blood flow and temporary energy deficits within the brain.
Symptoms may include
Loss of consciousness | Headache | Pressure in the head | Neck pain | Nausea or vomiting | Dizziness | Balance problems | Others.
Current Approach For Acute Concussion Care
During this acute phase, individuals are susceptible to further damage and rapid deterioration of brain cells if another impact were to occur. It is important that if a suspected concussion were to occur a player should be removed from play immediately and assessed by a trained healthcare professional.
The current approach used today is” Recognize; Remove; Rest; Rehab.” Studies have shown that individuals who were assessed by a healthcare professional within the first 24-48 hours had a faster return to play and less symptom intensity. Common symptoms of an acute concussion are headache, “feeling out of it”, sensitivity to light, memory loss, dizziness, neck pain, and sleep disturbances.
Acute Concussion Red Flags
Red flags refers to symptoms that indicate a more sinister pathology such as a brain bleed leading to uncontrolled swelling. If any of these symptoms are present immediate evaluation is necessary. Symptoms include:
- Slurred speech
- Nausea, increase vomiting
- One pupil is larger than the other
- Loss of consciousness
- Increased dizziness, loss of coordination
- Can not be wakened, increased drowsiness
- Increased confusion and agitation
- Can not recognize places or people
How Denner Chiropractic & Performance Treats Concussion Injuries
In conjunction with CCMI, Denner Chiropractic & Performance located in Charlotte, North Carolina offers concussion treatment services & strategies including
- Exertional testing for return-to-sport readiness and sub-symptom threshold exercise programs for persistent symptoms
- Vestibular, oculomotor, and cervical spine rehabilitation
- Balance, reaction time, visual processing, and neurocognitive testing (pre-season baseline and/or post-injury/return to sport testing)
- Joint manipulation
- Dry needling
- DNS rehabilitation
- Nutritional interventions
Educational resources
During the early stage following injury, a period of relative symptom-limited physical and cognitive rest is recommended. Research suggests 24 to 48 hours, however, these decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. Following a short period of rest, the International Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport (2016) recommends a gradual increase in mental and physical activity by a licensed healthcare practitioner trained in concussion management.
“I took my daughter to see Dr. Matheau after she was having continued concussion symptoms 3 months after her injury. After just 2 weeks she was symptom free! I can’t recommend Denner Chiropractic & Performance enough. If you’re looking for the best concussion care in the Charlotte area look no further.”
- Samantha | Ballantyne, North Carolina
I had a bad concussion a couple of months ago and still had really bad headaches and dizziness. Dr. Matheau knew exactly what to do! He had me back to my normal self in 2 weeks! Thank you Dr. Matheau !!
-Maria | Indian Land, South Carolina
What is Persistent Concussion Symptoms?
Persistent concussion symptoms occur when symptoms from a concussion persist for more than 14 days. This condition affects about 30%-40% of people who have had a concussion.
Symptoms include:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Memory
- Sensitivity to light and noise
For the majority of cases, symptoms usually subside around the 7-10 day mark. If you are still having symptoms it is most likely caused by one or more of the mechanisms we are going to discuss. Now let’s get into it!
Find out more about Post Concussion Syndrome HERE | Unraveling Post-Concussion Syndrome: Understanding Causes and Empowering Recovery |
The 5 causes of Post Concussion Syndrome
(Persistent Concussion Symptoms)
Post Concussion Syndrome Rehabilitation Plan
Denner Chiropractic & Performance Concussion Rehabilitation
- Balance Rehab
- Nutritional interventions
- Vision Rehab
- Cognitive Testing
- Integrated Manual Therapy
- Exercise Rehab
- Return to School, Work, and Sport
Concussion Base Line Testing | Charlotte, North Carolina
Multimodal pre-season testing is a series of physical and cognitive tests that provides a pre-injury overview of healthy brain function. These tests can offer healthcare practitioners an objective benchmark on which to compare should a patient sustain a concussion.
It’s important to remember that not all baseline testing is created equal. CCMI has selected the best evidence-based tools available to provide you with comprehensive, multimodal, proven baseline testing.
As concussion symptoms often disappear days to weeks before the brain has recovered, having valuable baseline information may help practitioners to make safer return to play decisions. Contact us to learn more about baseline testing to see if it’s right for you.
CCMI Concussion Tracker Smartphone Application
The CCMI Concussion Tracker smartphone app supports safer return-to-sport decisions for young athletes. The app captures and shares an a concussion status in real-time.
Where a concussion hits, Concussion Tracker enables an athlete’s stakeholders to:
- Report and track concussion
- Conduct sideline assessments
- Ensure seamless communication
- Record the athlete’s recovery status and timeline
- Scan and share medical documents
- Track daily symptoms for recovery progress
- Store and view pre-season concussion test results
Download the Concussion Tracker app for free today on the App Store and Google Play!
To find out more about Complete Concussion Management CLICK HERE
CCMI Free Educational Resources
When a concussion hits, the more knowledge the better. CCMI’s free educational resources will help to increase your concussion management awareness. Download yours for free today at
Downloads available include:
- Concussion Handbook
- Concussion Code of Conduct
- Implementation Guide
- Educational infographics
- Concussion FAQs
What is a concussion?
Find the right provider
Here is more information on finding a concussion doctor near you!
Visit our page for more information on concussion providers and how Denner Chiropractic & Performance can help!
Concussion Doctor Near Me | Marvin, North Carolina
Concussion Doctor Near Me | Ballantyne, North Carolina
Concussion Doctor Near Me | Indian Land, South Carolina
Concussion Doctor Near Me | Fort Mill, South Carolina
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