Charlotte Sports Performance

Sports Performance and Rehab | Charlotte, North Carolina 

Achieving peak performance in sports requires more than just talent and practice. Professional athletes understand the vital role of musculoskeletal care in optimizing their performance on the field. From targeted strength training in the weight room to prioritizing nutrition and quality sleep, these athletes consistently invest in their bodies to reach their highest potential.

However, the specifics of musculoskeletal care and its impact on performance remain widely unknown. Athletes like you often ponder questions such as whether a massage is beneficial, the need for additional rehab exercises, or the necessity of daily stretching. While there is an abundance of information available, what's missing is a comprehensive approach that combines and executes this knowledge effectively.

This article will discuss the key components of body biomechanics and present a personalized plan to help you unlock your full potential on the field.

Refining Sports Performance: Unleashing the Power of Musculoskeletal Care

To excel in your athletic pursuits, it's crucial to understand the integral relationship between musculoskeletal care and performance optimization. You can significantly enhance your sports performance by focusing on the following key components.

1. Joint Biomechanics

2. Soft Tissue Electability

3. Motor Control

How our bodies move, feel, and perform can be summarized into the 3 above components. We are going to break down each component and discuss how it can affect your sports performance and how you can get the care to make lasting functional changes to your body.

Joint Biomechanics  

Within our intricate bodies, approximately 360 joints serve as the foundation for movement. From sturdy, stabilizing joints like the femoral acetabular joint in the hip to highly mobile joints such as the glenohumeral joint in the shoulder, our joints are ingeniously designed to facilitate optimal movement.

Surprisingly, however, the assessment of joint movement quality often goes overlooked, representing an overlooked aspect of both performance and musculoskeletal care. When joints fail to fully explore their intended range of motion, power output to the surrounding musculature and movement strategies suffer. A diminished range of motion can profoundly impact sports performance by impeding energy transfer throughout the musculoskeletal system.

Consider the art of the golf swing. The world's most exceptional and powerful golfers possess a remarkable ability to generate tremendous power while maintaining a relaxed body. This effortless quality distinguishes professional athletes. In the context of a golf swing, the mobility of the thoracic spine assumes critical importance in power generation. As you draw back for a swing, the rotation of your thoracic spine becomes crucial in reaching the swing's apex, allowing the anterior chain muscles to experience an eccentric stretch.

This loading of muscles resembles a taut, electric band ready to release an explosive surge of power. However, this analogy of an elastic band's potential is limited when joint range of motion is deficient. Restricted joints create a perceived blockage, hindering the body's ability to unleash its full potential.

Fortunately, chiropractic manipulation stands as a powerful and rapid solution for restoring proper joint mechanics. Contrary to outdated notions, joint manipulation is not about realigning joints that have supposedly fallen out of place; rather, it addresses joint restrictions and stiffness. These limitations can result from previous injuries, insufficient movement quality, or sustained postures. Through chiropractic manipulation, joint range of motion can be swiftly and safely restored, freeing the body to perform optimally.

Recognizing the intricate interplay of joint mobility and athletic performance should be performed by a sports chiropractor that is trained in evidence-based joint manipulation. Identification of joint restrictions should be done through motion palpation and technique designed and determining the movement quality.

Soft Tissue Elasticity

Understanding the influence of tension and tone within our musculoskeletal system is essential when it comes to maximizing range of motion, power performance, and overall biomechanics. One key aspect of this discussion revolves around distinguishing between trigger points and fascial densifications. Although often mistaken for one another, it is crucial to identify and differentiate them to achieve the best clinical outcomes.

Trigger points refer to hyperirritable spots of tension within a taut muscle band, akin to finding a marble-like knot in your muscle tissue. They serve as a protective mechanism, activated by the brain when stability is lacking within the musculoskeletal system.

By placing trigger points in muscles surrounding unstable joints, the brain artificially creates stability as a safeguard mechanism. Following an acute injury, trigger points commonly emerge as the brain attempts to shield the body from future harm by establishing a protective pattern around neighboring structures. Recognizing this neurologically-driven mechanism is vital for making informed clinical decisions.

Merely releasing a trigger point will offer only temporary relief, as the trigger point will likely return after a short period. The ultimate goal of treatment should be to reintegrate the affected muscles, achieved through a treatment approach known as Reflex Locomotion. This innovative method acts as a "CNTRL ALT DELETE" for the brain's utilization of the muscles involved, resetting muscle tone and distribution. By doing so, lasting changes can be made to trigger points, resulting in decreased pain, improved mobility, and enhanced performance.

Fascial densification, on the other hand, presents a slightly different challenge and necessitates an alternative treatment approach. Distinct from trigger points, fascial densification refers to the hardening of the fascial system in specific areas of the body.

Fascia, a thin layer of connective tissue that overlays the muscles, has been shown to contribute to musculoskeletal pain and possesses a contractile component. Fascial densification commonly occurs in overuse injuries characterized by repetitive stress on the muscles.  

For instance, thrower athletes frequently exhibit fascial densification on the medial aspect of the elbow. Addressing this condition requires fascial manipulation, a soft tissue technique aimed at restoring soft tissue elasticity through the fascial system.

Motor Control  

The way we move holds profound significance, as our bodies are inherently designed to function with biomechanical efficiency. At the heart of this concept lies functional joint centration, a term that describes the optimal alignment and balance between joint articulations, achieved through the harmonious coactivation of surrounding muscles.

The key to attaining joint centration lies in performing correct movement patterns, forming the foundation of movement, and biomechanical coactivation. This foundation finds its roots in the realm of developmental kinesiology, the study of human development during the first year of life.

Remarkably, regardless of cultural upbringing or geographical location, we all traverse the same remarkable milestones in our early years. For instance, around the third month of life, we instinctively learn how to utilize our diaphragm and pelvic floor for core stabilization.

What is even more astounding is that this fundamental movement ability develops without external instruction or conscious effort—it is hardwired within us. The patterns and movements necessary for optimal development occur unconsciously, allowing us to crawl and walk without formal instruction. These innate abilities are a testament to our innate design.

However, as we age, the quality of our movement often deviates from the ideal patterns ingrained in us. Whether due to injury, improper coaching or education, or poor posture, our movement patterns become compromised.

These compensatory patterns, less effective for movement, can lead to pain, injury, and a decline in athletic performance. Enter Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS), a treatment approach rooted in developmental kinesiology. This unique form of rehabilitation is widely utilized in the sports world to optimize performance and minimize the risk of injury.

DNS focuses on movement quality through the lens of developmental kinesiology, aiming to restore the blueprint of movement originally designed for us. By engaging in rehabilitative exercises performed in developmental positions, DNS provides the brain with crucial input to remind and reinstate the utilization of our innate movement patterns.

Through proper movement patterns, improvements in soft tissue tone, joint range of motion, and overall performance can be achieved.

Unlocking the potential of optimal movement patterns not only enhances athletic performance but also reduces the risk of injuries and facilitates overall well-being. By embracing the principles of DNS and recognizing the significance of developmental kinesiology, we can restore the body's natural pattern of movement and unleash its full potential for movement.

The Bottom Line

Collaborating with a skilled healthcare professional proficient in both manual therapy treatment and sports exercise rehabilitation can yield remarkable benefits for sports performance and injury prevention. At Denner Chiropractic and Performance, we pride ourselves on delivering comprehensive rehab chiropractic care that encompasses every facet of your musculoskeletal well-being. Through a meticulous movement evaluation, we craft a personalized and specialized plan tailored to unlock your full athletic potential and promote long-term success.

Our approach begins with a thorough assessment of your movement patterns, allowing us to gain deep insights into your body's unique biomechanics and identify areas of improvement. Armed with this knowledge, we curate a customized plan specifically designed to address your individual needs, optimize your athletic performance, and foster longevity in your athletic pursuits.

Drawing upon our expertise in manual therapy treatment, we employ a range of hands-on techniques to enhance joint function, alleviate muscle tension, and promote optimal joint centration. This integrative approach ensures that your body is primed for peak performance, minimizing the risk of injuries and maximizing your athletic capabilities.

Complementing our manual therapy techniques, our sports exercise rehabilitation protocols play a pivotal role in fine-tuning your performance. Through targeted exercises and progressive training strategies, we systematically strengthen key muscle groups, improve joint stability, and enhance overall movement patterns. By addressing any underlying weaknesses or imbalances, we empower you to achieve your peak athletic potential and maintain it over the long term.

At Denner Chiropractic and Performance, we are dedicated to guiding you on your journey toward optimal sports performance and longevity. Our rehab chiropractic care encompasses the full spectrum of musculoskeletal care, ensuring that no aspect is overlooked. Experience the transformative power of our specialized approach, and unlock your true athletic prowess with confidence. 


Denner Chiropractic & Performance | Charlotte, North Carolina

At Denner Chiropractic & Performance located in Charlotte, North Carolina our rehab chiropractic care incorporates rehabilitation, joint manipulation, soft tissue, and dry needling to help you achieve pain-free movement in life and sport. We are more than happy to discuss any concerns or questions you have about your condition or how we can help. Located on our main page or in our resource library tab is a sign-up for a free Discovery Call. During this time we will get to know you and your pain points. Let’s see if we are the right provider for you, schedule your Discovery Call today!


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