Complete Concussion Management (CCMI) Certified Clinic

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Finding the right concussion specialist can be a daunting task, leaving you with numerous questions and uncertainties:

  • Should you rush to the emergency room?
  • Which doctor is the right choice for your condition?
  • Is consulting a neurologist necessary?
  • Do you require rehabilitation?
  • Are your concussion symptoms permanent?
  • What provider can treat post-concussion syndrome  

These questions are not only common but also incredibly challenging to navigate when dealing with a head injury.

In this comprehensive page, we aim to address these concerns, providing you with a definitive guide on choosing the appropriate healthcare professional after a concussion. 

Our objective is to assist you in locating a qualified concussion specialist in your area. We are dedicated to delivering the most recent evidence-based information, empowering you to make well-informed decisions about your care.

This page serves as a valuable resource, helping you find the best concussion specialists in Charlotte and across the country. 

Our primary mission is to ensure you receive personalized care tailored to your needs. We sincerely hope you find this page informative and useful in your journey towards recovery. 

If you have any questions or need guidance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office. You can contact us by calling or texting 704-325-9767 or schedule a Discovery Call to speak directly with Dr. Matheau Denner, our Charlotte Concussion Specialist. Your well-being is our top priority, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

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Finding a Concussion Doctor Near You

When deciding what health care provider you should see following a concussion injury it is important to understand what a concussion actually is, so let’s give you a quick breakdown of what goes on in your body during and after a concussion injury.

To understand a concussion we will first discuss a healthy brain. In our brain, we have neurons “brain cells”. These brain cells communicate with each other on a constant basis through nerve impulses. When we think of something or want to move our body a nerve impulse comes in and is sent across a number of other neurons to make it happen.

Nerve impulses are sent by the exchange of molecules inside and outside of the neuron. So, the impulse comes in, molecules exchange and an action potential or other impulse is sent out.

These neurons and our brain can be thought of as the consistency of Jell-O. When a concussion occurs our brain moves around inside our skull and just like Jell-O moving on a shaking plate the brain contorts and moves. Now the brain moving in the skull isn’t enough force to cause cell damage, so there isn’t any breaking of neurons or structural damage but it does cause the neurons to stretch which leads to an exchange of molecules and you get millions of action potentials “impulses” occurring at once.  This leads to commonly reported symptoms such as

  • loss of conciseness
  • confusion
  • dizziness
  • balance problems

These are commonly seen after an acute concussion.

"Why am I still experiencing symptoms when the initial imbalance in molecules normalizes quickly after an injury? And how does my choice of provider play a role in this?

Understanding this is crucial because concussions are functional injuries; they don't manifest as visible structural damage. The term 'function' refers to how your body moves and interacts with the external world. Concussions affect several body systems, leading to symptoms and prolonged recovery if not properly addressed.

Numerous studies have highlighted the significance of seeking the right healthcare provider within the first week after the injury. Doing so not only speeds up recovery but also significantly reduces the risk of developing 'Post Concussion Syndrome'.

Here is a Video of a detailed explanation of “What is a Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury?"

Why is a rehab professional the best option for concussion care?

As we discussed concussions are functional injuries meaning they do not show up on imaging such as CT, MRI, or X-ray.

So if there is not sign of dysfunction or damage why do I have symptoms? When will I know I have fully recovered?

Concussions are functional injuries meaning that the initial injury causes several dysfunctions in the body as a result.

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The most common functional dysfunctions are……

1. Blood Flow Dysfunction (Easley identified and treated with Sub-Symptom Exercises Program)

2. Inflammatory/ Metabolic (Treated with lifestyle and dietary changes)

3. Cervical Spine Dysfunction (A concussion occurs at 70 G- Forces while Whiplash occurs at 4.5 G-Forces. The symptoms of concussion and whiplash injuries are almost identical)

4. Visual/ Vestibular Dysfunction (How your eyes and ears communicate with your brain can impact a number of symptoms reported and can be treated with simple rehabilitation exercises.)

5. Psychological (Proper education and reassurance is always a priority with care)  

A rehabilitation professional such as a trained Chiropractic Physician can effectively treat all five of the listed “Most Common Dysfunctions” to provide you with the latest and all-inclusive care plan. While most providers are trained in one asset of care a trained Chiropractic Physician can incorporate manual therapy, rehabilitation, and lifestyle modifications allowing for the best results.

Here is a video of Dr. Matheau Denner explaining Post Concussion Syndrome!

When you should go to the emergency room following a concussion?

While rehabilitation professionals like our rehab-based Chiropractic Physicians here at Denner Chiropractic & Performance are very skilled at treating concussion injuries we are not the right provider if you are suffering from an injury that is more than a concussion.

Understanding what to look for following a head injury is the first step in determining if you should go to the Emergency Room.

Red Flags to look out for following a head injury


(If you or someone you know has one or more of the following they should be referred to the ER.)

  • Loss of conciseness
  • 2 or more episodes of vomiting
  • Pre or post-injury amnesia
  • Symptoms worsen over time
  • Worsening headache
  • Seizures
  • Slurred speech
  • One pupil is larger than the other
  • Increased dizziness, loss of coordination
  • Can not be wakened, increased drowsiness
  • Increased confusion and agitation
  • Can not recognize places or people

Common Questions and Answers


Q1: I had a head injury, but I haven't experienced any of the red flags. Should I still be concerned?

A1: Even if you haven't experienced the red flags, it's crucial to monitor your symptoms closely for change over a 24-hour period. If symptoms dramatically worsen it’s best to visit the ER.

Q2: Can I wait and see if my symptoms improve before going to the Emergency Room?

A2: Yes, if you are only experiencing mild symptoms following a concussion you do not require immediate care, but if you are experiencing any signs of red flags or any deterioration or worsening of symptoms over time should be taken seriously. It's better to be safe and seek medical evaluation if you are unsure about the severity of your condition.

Q3: I had a concussion, but the symptoms seem to have stabilized. Do I still need to go to the Emergency Room?

A3: If your symptoms have stabilized and you are not experiencing any of the red flags mentioned, you should contact a trained rehab professional for further evaluation and acute treatment. Studies have shown if rehab and manual therapy are provided during the first week it can dramatically boost recovery time and significantly lower the risk of Post-Concussion Syndrome.

Q4: Can a chiropractor treat a concussion?

A4: Yes, rehabilitation professionals like chiropractors with additional training are the best doctors to see for concussion care due to their wide scope of care. They are not the right provider if you are suffering from symptoms or conditions beyond a concussion. For severe symptoms or any of the red flags mentioned, it's crucial to go to the Emergency Room for immediate medical attention.

Q5: How long after a head injury can symptoms appear?

A5: Symptoms of a concussion can appear immediately after the injury or may take hours or even days to become noticeable. It's essential to be aware of any changes in how you feel, both immediately after the injury and in the days that follow.

Q6: What will the doctors do at the Emergency Room for a concussion?

A6: At the Emergency Room, doctors will conduct a thorough evaluation, which may include neurological exams and imaging tests like CT scans to investigate if your injury is more severe than a concussion. Based on the assessment, they will determine the appropriate course of action, which might include observation, medication, or further interventions, depending on the severity of the head injury and associated symptoms.


What our patients have to say.
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Dr. Denner has been able to help me more with post-concussion syndrome than any of the other doctors and clinics I’ve been to. I’m forever grateful for him and his advanced knowledge of how to treat post-concussion syndrome. :)

- Anna K

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I had a bad concussion a couple of months ago and still had really bad headaches and dizziness. Dr. Matheau knew exactly what to do! He had me back to my normal self in 2 weeks! Thank you Dr. Matheau!!

-Maria | Indian Land, South Carolina

Next Steps | Finding a Rehab Professional

Denner Chiropractic & Performance is certified through Complete Concussion Management and is the only certified clinic in the Carolinas! 

We are very proud to offer the highest level of conservative care in both the Charlotte, North Carolina area and the country.

If you are not in the area and looking for amazing concussion care visit the Complete Concussion website to find a certified clinic near you!  (Find A Concussion Clinic)

You can contact us by calling or texting 704-325-9767 or schedule a Discovery Call to speak directly with Dr. Matheau Denner, our Charlotte, North Carolina Concussion Specialist. Your well-being is our top priority, and we are here to support you every step of the way.


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