Bicipital Tendinitis

Denner Chiropractic & Performance | Charlotte, North Carolina

Bicipital tendinitis is an overuse injury of the biceps muscle, which is located at the front of the upper arm. It affects the tendon that attaches the biceps muscle to the shoulder and is typically caused by repetitive motions or activities that involve strong pulling or lifting movements.

Patients who visit our sports chiropractic office for bicipital tendinitis, usually complain of the following

  • Shoulder or Elbow pain when lifting or pulling heavy objects 
  • Pain with overhead motions 
  • Stiffness/Tightness after activity 

What Causes Bicipital Tendinitis

Bicipital tendinitis is a common condition characterized by inflammation and pain in the bicep tendon.

This condition can be caused by repetitive movements, such as lifting weights or playing tennis, or by injuries to the shoulder.

It is important to know the causes of bicipital tendinitis in order to appropriately treat and prevent further damage.The most common cause of bicipital tendinitis is overuse of the shoulder muscles.

Repetitive motions, such as throwing a ball or swinging a golf club, can damage the tendons over time and cause inflammation.

In addition, structural problems such as rotator cuff tears can contribute to bicipital tendinitis due to abnormal movement patterns that place extra strain on the tendons.

Signs And Symptoms Of Bicipital Tendinitis

The most common symptom of bicipital tendinitis is localized sharp pain that radiates from the shoulder to just above the elbow.

Other signs and symptoms include 

  • Decreased range of motion 
  • Warmth and redness in the area 
  • Popping or clicking 
  • Pain with pulling or overhead motions 
  • Pain during throwing 

Our Treatment Approach To Bicipital Tendinitis

At Denner Chiropractic & Performance, we take a holistic approach to treating Bicipital Tendinitis.


Our goal is to reduce pain, and inflammation, and promote healing. We do this by

  •  Conducting a thorough evaluation to identify the root cause of your pain
  •  Developing a personalized treatment plan that may include joint manipulation, soft tissue treatment, and physical therapy
  •  Educating you on exercises and stretches to improve flexibility and prevent future injury

How Can Sports Chiropractic Help Bicipital Tendinitis

Sports chiropractic can be beneficial in helping to manage bicipital tendinitis. Chiropractic care can help reduce inflammation, improve range of motion, decrease pain levels and speed up recovery time.

Chiropractic treatments may include soft tissue therapy such as massage or stretching exercises to reduce muscle tension around the affected area to reduce pain.

Exercises that target strength, flexibility and mobility are also essential for successful treatment of bicipital tendinitis.

Sports Chiropractic care can improve overall performance by addressing underlying muscular imbalances in other parts of body caused by injury or activities such as overhead throwing motions during sports like baseball or tennis. Taking into consideration all available treatment options helps ensure optimal recovery in order to get back into activity quickly and safely.

Relief From Bicipital Tendinitis

Our services can help with
  • Reducing pain and inflammation
  • Improving range of motion
  • Enhancing healing and recovery

What to expect during your first visit

During your first visit, we'll conduct a thorough evaluation of your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Treatment will include the integration of chiropractic adjustments, rehabilitation exercises, and physical therapy.

Our goal is to provide you with relief and a path toward healing.

Q & A Section

Q: What Activities Should I Avoid If I Have Bicipital Tendinitis?

A: In the initial stages of treatment avoiding some aggravating activities will benefit recovery by lowering unnecessary inflammation. These activities include any repetitive arm motions such as lifting heavy weights, throwing a ball or racquet, or pushing and pulling objects. Once out of the initial acute phase of care these activities and be introduced into daily life. 

Q: How Long Does It Typically Take To Recover From Bicipital Tendinitis?

A: A typical treatment plan for Bicipital Tendinitis can range from 3-6 weeks of care.  

Q: Are There Any Lifestyle Changes I Can Make To Prevent Bicipital Tendinitis?

Preventing tendonitis involves minimizing the strain put on the tendon and its associated muscles. Bicipital tendonitis is an injury caused by excessive strain on the biceps muscle, which can be prevented through lifestyle changes. Optimizing posture when lifting can allow the body to decrease the stress being placed on the tendon. It is important to increase intensity gradually in order to allow the body time to adjust. Additionally, rest periods are essential for recovery after exercise sessions.

Q: What Can I Do To Strengthen My Biceps To Reduce The Risk Of Developing Bicipital Tendinitis?

A: Incorporating eccentric load is a great way to build tendon strength. Eccentric load is when a muscle is contracted under stretch. This can be seen in the downward motion of a bicep curl.  

Contact Us Today

Bicipital Tendinitis can be a painful and debilitating condition, but it doesn't have to be a life sentence. By understanding the common causes and symptoms, seeking prompt treatment, and taking preventive measures, you can successfully manage your Bicipital Tendinitis and get back to your daily activities.

At Denner Chiropractic & Performance, our team of experts is here to help you find relief from Bicipital Tendinitis and other musculoskeletal conditions.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation and start your journey toward optimal health and wellness.

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